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17 Ergebnisse.

I Hate Love

Pirrone, Francesca / Pirrone, Francesca
I Hate Love
A quirky tale of romance, hedgehog-style. - Kirkus ReviewsHenry the Hedgehog always goes with his friend Randy to look for worms. But today, Randy has plans with Becky. They’re going to watch the sunset together. Pff, how boring, Henry thinks angrily. Because he hates love. But you can’t stop the butterflies in your stomach . . .A picture book about love, for children with and without quills ages 5 years and up.

CHF 24.90

And the Winner Is

Pirrone, Francesca / Pirrone, Francesca
And the Winner Is
Another sweet, warm outing with a most endearing hero. - Kirkus ReviewsIt’s a nice afternoon. Everyone is busy: Cat, Mouse, Bird, Turtle, Rabbit . . . and Piggy! He’s painting a picture for a contest. He’s sure his beautiful painting will win! But then, uh-oh! A little accident leads to a big problem. Can anything fix it?A sweet story about winning and losing . . . and about the best prize of all: friendship. For artists 4 years and up.

CHF 18.50

Taking Care

Pirrone, Francesca / Pirrone, Francesca
Taking Care
A sweet story about friendship and caring for each other. For everyone ages 4 years and up.Piggy finds a baby hedgehog in the forest. He knows he has to help. So he takes the little one home and learns all about caring for it. But in his eagerness, Piggy forgets to take care of himself. Luckily, his friends are there for him.

CHF 18.50

Party for Everyone

Pirrone Francesca / Pirrone Francesca
Party for Everyone
This colorful story about celebrating together, creativity, and collaboration will surely leave a smile on all faces! Piggy is throwing a party for his birthday. Everything is ready. He invited his friends, decorated the house, and made lots of delicious treats! But poor Piggy is so busy that the food is gone before he gets to enjoy a snack himself. What is he to do now? Luckily, his friends get creative, and, soon enough, Piggy joins in the c...

CHF 24.90

Just for You

Pirrone Francesca / Pirrone Francesca
Just for You
International Award-winning author-illustrator.From the author of Little Book of Kindness.Overarching themes include generosity, empathy and community building "Sweet illustrations and simple text foster a sense of community, greater good and well-beingThe timeless message and visuals make this a perfect gift book, as well as a perfect read to be enjoyed throughout the year.Piggy gives balls of wool to his friends, to make some warm sweaters. ...

CHF 24.90

Little Book of Caring

Pirrone Francesca / Pirrone Francesca
Little Book of Caring
Second book in the Piggy seriesFrom award-winning and international best-selling author With short statements and heart-warming illustrations, Piggy introduces readers to a multitude of ways in which they can care for others.Perfect gift book and coffee table book, a great addition to Kindness week and to read year-round by everyone ages 0-99

CHF 18.50

Das kleine Buch vom Glücklichmachen

Pirrone, Francesca / Erdorf, Rolf
Das kleine Buch vom Glücklichmachen
Glück ist ein Geschenk für alle! Ein herzerwärmendes, bezaubernd illustriertes Geschenkbuch, das erzählt, wie einfach es ist, andere glücklich zu machen. Und damit selbst etwas von diesem Glück geschenkt zu bekommen. Ein »Bitteschön«, ein »Danke sehr« ein freundliches Lächeln, ein wenig Wärme, eine helfende Hand, eine Prise Achtsamkeit, Liebe zur Natur und mit anderen teilen. Wer lieb zu anderen ist, macht auch sich selbst glücklich.

CHF 21.50

Pazienza di mamma

Pirrone, Francesca
Pazienza di mamma
Il signor Gorilla ama il tran-tran della sua vita e la quiete della sua casa. Ma, un giorno, un cucciolo di pinguino lo segue, di ritorno dal lavoro, chiamandolo... mamma! Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

CHF 27.90

Il lupo vegetariano e i 7 capretti

Pirrone, Francesca
Il lupo vegetariano e i 7 capretti
Rivisitazione in chiave animalista di uno dei classici dei Fratelli Grimm, "Il lupo vegetariano e i 7 capretti" propone ai lettori un finale a sorpresa: grazie all'astuzia di mamma capra, il lupo riscopre la possibilità di relazioni solidali con gli altri animali e il piacere di condividere una bella tavola imbandita con frutta e verdura. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

CHF 23.90

Mio nonno è un koala

Pirrone, Francesca
Mio nonno è un koala
Dove una volta c'era una foresta di eucalipti abitata da koala ora ci sono palazzi, fabbriche e asfalto. Ma non tutto è perduto: un nonno e suo nipote hanno deciso di piantare nuovi alberi per richiamare gli animali scacciati dal cemento. La storia di un amore che oltrepassa i confini familiari e abbraccia la natura e tutti i suoi abitanti. Età di lettura: da 3 anni.

CHF 24.90

Bruno hat 100 Freunde

Pirrone, Francesca / Hove, Johnny van
Bruno hat 100 Freunde
Bruno ist überglücklich als er im Wald ein Mobiltelefon findet. Auf einmal hat er wahnsinnig viele Freunde - und das auf der ganzen Welt! Tag und Nacht verbringt er nun mit seiner "Magischen Box" und hat gar keine Zeit für seine besten Freunde Renzo und Rico. Bis einges Tages die Batterie des Telefons leer ist... Ein Buch über moderne Kommunikationsmittel und wahre Freundschaft.

CHF 25.50

Bruno heeft wel 100 vrienden

Pirrone, Francesca
Bruno heeft wel 100 vrienden
Bruno is dolgelukkig als hij een mobiele telefoon vindt. Nu heeft hij in een keer heel veel vrienden, overal op de wereld! Maar hij is zo veel bezig met zijn 'wonderlijke doosje' dat hij Renzo en Rico uit het oog verliest. Een sfeervol boek over echte vriendschap. Voor bijdetijdse kinderen vanaf 5 jaar. Dit verhaal won de Key Colours Illustrator's Award 2016.

CHF 20.90